Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mugshot Monday--sorry I'm late

It's been that kind of a week.  Incredibly busy, even though it is summer time and nothing should be keeping me busy.  We gave our first presentation for Our Family Adoptions at a local Methodist Church so we spent quite a few hours getting our powerpoint perfected and our handout printed.  We've been packing for a trip to Grandma's house.  I've been sewing up a storm for our adoption fundraising--I'll post some pictures of what I have to offer next week. 

But most importantly, we've been frantically trying to gather votes for a fundraising project for Our Family Adoptions or OFA.  If you missed it, Brian and I are now on the board of directors for OFA and our biggest focus is to try and raise funds for the organization. We have an incredibly easy way for you to help.  Chase Bank is running a contest on Facebook called Chase Community Giving.  If Our Family Adoptions can get enough votes to be in the top 200 vote getters then we will win $20,000.  If we somehow miraculously managed to be the top vote getter we would win $250,000.  We can do so much good in DRC with that money.  And it only takes a few minutes.  Click the link below and vote for Our Family Adoptions.  Then tell all your friends to vote!

Just to sweeten the pot a bit, anyone who votes and then leave a comment at Megan Terry's blog will be in a drawing to win some handmade Congolese jewelry and a hand carved Congolese trinket box.  And if you do a blog post, facebook post, or twitter about the contest encouraging people to vote, you're name will be in the drawing extra times.  Check out Megan's blog for all the details!  Here are some pics of what you might win!

We only have 12 days left and we are really close to getting into the top 200, but for every new vote we get the others are getting votes too!  So PLEASE VOTE!  It really can make a difference!!!

Ok now some pictures!  Chowing down on some summertime treats!

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