Well, everyone seems to be mostly over that dreaded salmonella. What a creepy bit of food poisoning that is. We are all being dosed with antibiotics just be sure it is really gone. I hate being sick (well duh!!) and I especially hate being sick at school. So it was a pretty long week.
But the weekend was great. We went to Grace's first pool party (Happy Birthday, Emily), we went out to breakfast on Sunday morning, and then on Sunday night, drumroll please........we all went to bed in our own rooms. That's right, we set up Haven's crib in his room and converted the guest bedroom into Grace's room. We got a safety bedrail for the guest bed and gave it a try. Last night Grace fell asleep right after dinner and we slid her into bed. She unfortunately, only slept for few hours before waking up refreshed and ready to party!!! She napped in her room today, so we'll try it again tonight. At least it is a start. Not that I want to get Grace into her own room. I love cuddling up with her at night....however, lately she has been like sleeping with a WWF wrestler. Rolling, slamming, kicking. I have not been getting any sleep. And she and Haven were keeping each other from sleeping, too. Haven snores a bit and Grace talks in her sleep. Nighttime had gotten pretty noisy. On the brightside of our story, Haven slept through the night in his room without a peep of noise. Ahhh, what a relief.
So now the long awaited video clips of Haven--live and uncensored!!! He will melt your heart!